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Blog (3)

My inane ramblings

Scottish Place Names Generator

After posting the other day about the Pseudo Elizabether Place Name Generator, I thought I'd put my rather limited Python skills to work and generate some Scottish place names. A while back, I downloaded some data from the UK's goverment website. It contained a list…

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Pseudo Elizabethan Place Names (revisited)

One of the most - or least - fun parts of map-making is coming up with place names. Some people have firm ideas about what they want in their naming conventions, occasionally going as far as creating their own languages to develop a truly unique world. I admire this greatly but it's not for me. I use place name generators.

There used to be a most wonderful web page called the 'Pseudo Elizabethan Place Name Generator'. It was hosted at Sadly the site is no more and, at the time of writing, the domain is up for sale. I was gutted when the site went down as I loved the quirky place names it offered.

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Here's the new, new introduction, updated September 2022. After a period of neglect (I mean, do you even have a blog if you don't neglect it for a while?) I'm now going to attempt to post a little less infrequently than I did before. And…

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